Explaining her controversial stance, 25-year-old Karol Rosalin told Jam Press, “After all, men LOVE to see us like this, always well taken care of”

She frequently posts photos of her sculpted physique on Instagram, where AI even labeled her as having “the perfect female body”. But keeping her body in peak condition isn’t cheap, and she believes men should help cover those expenses.
She explained, “We, women who take care of ourselves, spend hours training, invest in healthy food, supplementation, fitness clothes and cosmetic procedures to always look beautiful and well-cared for,” Then she posed the question: “But what if we had fitness aid? A monthly amount just to help with our body care?”

While Rosalin hasn’t specified how much this monthly “husband tax,” would be, she insists that women’s beauty and fitness routines often come without “recognition or financial support.”.
For her, any man who doesn’t see the value in supporting a woman’s fitness efforts is an “absolute dealbreaker.”.

However, not all men she’s dated have been open to the idea of covering these costs.

Ultimately, she made a choice: “He wanted the results without being part of the process. So I chose to move on alone.”
People online were not having it, with one person angrily commenting, “out of all the s–t I’ve ever heard, this was the worst.”
Some accused her of essentially advocating for financial support in relationships purely based on looks. But Rosalin insists this isn’t about “buying anyone – it’s about partnership.”.
That said, she doesn’t think the same rule should apply to men.
And in her view, “A man who truly wants to take care of himself does it on his own – he doesn’t need to be carried.”